Tuesday, June 10, 2014

More Harvests

I brought in a bunch of beet greens into the Shared Harvest Pantry today.  I had to thin my beets, and figured some one would really appreciate fresh beet greens.  (I know I love them!)  I actually had enough to make up two decent sized bags of greens.

And my beets are not as crowded any longer.  Beets, and greens in general, are not the most popular items in this area, but I know there are some people (like my family) that really do enjoy these items so I do try to grow a small amount.  If you have not tried a roasted beet, you really need to try it!  It is so sweet and does not taste like a canned beet at all. 

Today a volunteer and I put up my signs in each row.  I am short a few signs, due to time and weather or due to shortage of signs for a specific plant.  When we made these signs I had quite a few rows of watermelon but only two rows of cucumbers.  This year it is the opposite, so I need more cucumber signs.  I have a Girl Scout troop making me some more signs, and I should have them by next week. 

We also planted some flower seeds at the head of each row.  I hope the little bit of flowers will look pretty in there, and that it will help attract those winged pollinators as well.  But mainly it will help the garden look more inviting.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE roasted beets now- and I have you to thank for it!
