Tuesday, July 8, 2014

What A Downpour This Morning!

Wow did it POUR this morning and early afternoon!  My rain gauge broke (actually I've purchased two this year and both have broke!) so I do not know how much rain we received, but I do know that there were some hard bursts in the storm!  So much so that a lot of the wood-chips that line the pathways in the garden washed away!

I'm going to have to rake up the remaining wood-chips so we have a path again!

When I left last night the whole path was in perfect order.  The fast downpour must have created a little river and washed everything away.  But, luckily, the plants are ok - which is the main point afterall!

Thankfully, the rain stopped just as I arrived at the garden.  There were only a few volunteers that were scared off by the rain, and I had 5 folks join me to continue the weeding fun.  A group of 3 sisters managed to remove more of the weeds from the zucchini rows.  These girls are awesome; this is their second summer to volunteer in the Victory Garden and I am beyond thankful for all their help!

Later that afternoon another young man arrived and together we finished all but one last side of the large zucchini weeds!  I am so happy that my zucchini plants are receiving full sunshine! 

I had another volunteer come out after the rain stopped, and we worked together to weed this short row (it is 50 feet) of Lemon Cucumbers. This row was not too bad, yet.  But I wanted to stay on top of the weeds here before they became unmanageable.  It is like triage out here sometimes; what area is the most important and who can help me weed this area right now?  The seeds for this row were donated from last years seeds, and therefore did not germinate too well, thus all the open spaces.  I do not have any more seeds to re-plant either, so this hap-hazard look will have to do.

I also had a couple come out this weekend and they worked on this row of beans.  They did manage to get about 2/3 of the way done over the weekend, and another volunteer and I finished the row this afternoon.  When I looked back on the garden this evening, as I left, I smiled; it is finally beginning to look like a garden is supposed to look, and not like a mess of overgrown weeds!

And I have all my wonderful garden volunteers to thank for that!  So THANK YOU to each and every one of you who help me!

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