Monday, July 7, 2014

After A Long Holiday Weekend

I hope everyone had a good weekend!  The days before and after the 4th of July are always a slow volunteer time in the Victory Garden, but the plants and weeds still grow.  If only we could convince them to take a day off! (grin)  I spent some time weeding the pumpkins today.  The poor plants are really full of weeds, but I did know that would be the case this year, as this is new space in the garden and new space is always full of weed-seeds that will grow.

Here is a row of pumpkins that has had little attention, and is need of some more TLC.  The rows to the right have been adopted, and therefore are nice and weed free!  I just need 30 groups/individuals to adopt my 30 rows and keep it all weed free.

And somewhere in here there are pumpkin plants.  It rained last night, and the ground was too wet to rototill, so I'm waiting for a dry day to till up the paths again.  I need to do this before the pumpkin plants are too big and I can not get the tiller in there.

I did have a volunteer come out today and together we made some great progress on the zucchini row!  We removed all the weeds on the one side of this row, and then I continued on to work on the other side. I only got about 30 feet in when another volunteer arrived and we harvested the peas together.

But things are looking like a garden again.  I am much happier, as are the garden plants!

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