Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Huge Storm Last Night!

There was a very large storm that ran through the area last night around 3:00 am.  We had 70 mph winds, and thunder, and 4 inches of rain!  Lots of homes and businesses were without power today, and some of my volunteers were at home dealing with storm related issues.  The garden, however, sustained little damage.  The sign blew down (I was able to reattach it no problem) and the portable toilet was blown 5' away from its original spot and turned a bit.  This just cracks me up!

I did have a few volunteers stop by, and we managed to finally finish weeding the pepper and eggplant row!  We seem to have been working on that row for at least two weeks, so I'm excited to finally finish weeding this row.  You may notice the stakes in the row and wonder about them; I use stakes to help support my peppers as they grow taller and heaver with fruit.  Soon I will gently tie the pepper plant to the stake and that will help prevent bending of the plant over to the ground.  It is best to put the stakes in the ground before the plants are too large so you do not disturb the roots and damage the plant.  I've found this simple staking act to be very helpful come September when the peppers are heavy with peppers.

We also weeded the very end of the tomatoes, where the landscape fabric ends.  The lack of fabric on the end means there are more weeds around the tomatoes, and it is therefore more difficult to weed.  (although, truth be told, I enjoy pulling large weeds; you can really see your progress.  I don't like the looks of them in my garden, and I never want them, but ....)

Next I need to tackle the big, thick, weeds along the edges of the zucchini and yellow squash rows.  We have landscape fabric along the entire row, so weeding this area has been a low priority, but it is now time to attack these weeds before they become waist high!

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